(Written at age nine. Spelling and punctuation are as in the original manuscript.)
Anna Anastasia and I were down by the sea. We went by train. When we got there we got out. Let's go swimming I cried. Anna said where are our suit-cases? We looked around. Where could they be cried Anastasia. We put them right here I said. We saw some men running. They had the missing suit cases!!! After them I cried. We ran, but the men disapered right in front of our eys!
2. Puzzling fakts
We were still staring when I said: How could they have gotten away!! Anastasia said, I don't know. Anna said, why don't we become detectives? Good idea! I cried. But we must ask Augustin what to do. They'll be coming soon, said Anastasia. We heard a whistle and we ran to meat the next train. The boys came out. As we waked to our cabin I told Augustin about what had happened. We can't aford to lose those diving suits, cried Augustin. We must get them back!
A facsimile of the original manuscript |
3. Detectives
We had lunch. Wehn we were done we talked about the thifs. I said, next time we see them, let's fallow them. We must walk softly said Augustin. We saw the thifs out the window! Quick! I said. We went outside. We fallowed the the thifs. We fallowed them till we came to a trap door. The thifs went in I said let's fallow them, after all we are detectives. We went in - suddenly all went dark! I felt arms around me.
4. Captives!
After I felt the arms around me I felt nothing. After a hwile I came to myself. I was lying on my back in pitch dark. My hands and feet were tied. There was hard ground under me. All was dark exsept for one small light which came from a lantern. The others were tied up to. I cried Help! Help! Hush! commanded a voice. But I kept crying Help! Help! But no help came. I wished I was home.
5. Two Excapes
We were yelling for help when I said, look here, I found a way to excape! My wrist ties are loose. I will un-tie them and get my poket knife and cut your ropes. I un-tied my wristes and freed the others. I picked up the lantern. We crept along and came to the trap door. NOW! I cried. We ran trough the door. Menhwile the theifs saw we were gone. They said let's get out of here or we'll have the police after us! They ran away.
6. Exploring
Next day we went exploring. We waked along the seashore, hopping to see the thiefs. We saw them and I said, let's catch them! We ran quitly after the thifs. I ran to one and grabed him. Anna grabed the other one. I said give me the rope! We tied up the thiefs. The police erested them. We were very happy.
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