Sunday, May 4, 2014

To My Class - The Super Class of 2013

It has been one year since we graduated and said our goodbyes. Even though we are all in different places and doing different things, you all still hold a place in my heart. I can never forget my 32 brothers and sisters. I had a wonderful four years with you. You truly are super, every one of you, and I am so glad I got to spend that time with you.

The years are fleeing swiftly by,
And I, I cannot stop their flight,
As they soar by on colored wings
To where all time shall never end.

This world walks by on hurried feet,
The earth spins round on endless course.
Each day goes flying by and we
Cannot arrest the whirl of time.

One life is all we have to live,
One song to sing, one tale to tell,
And what we do is ours to say;
We hold the future in our hands.

We’ll make the best of here and now,
And when we’re done, on looking back,
We’ll show the world what we became
When holding life between our hands.

The years are fleeing swiftly by,
And I, I cannot stop their flight
But we shall sing, for joy is ours,
And life is ours to live and love.